Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break Day Three

AH! I slept in this morning! I woke up to the sounds of Narnia barking outside my window. It was about 5:45.

I spent the day visiting my friend Lisa in Clarksville, TN. I had a chance to see the Wickham Statues! There had been an exhibit at the Clarksville-Montgomery County Museum a number of years ago ( I am not sure if it was while I lived in Clarksville, or afterwards!) and since then I have wanted to go. We were a bit confused when we arrived there...all those twisty turny Tennessee back roads! We did find several statues, and the Wickham cemetery.

When I returned home, I studied the website a bit further and concluded that we came upon the middle of the displays of statues. If we had turned around and headed the opposite direction, then we would have seen the ones we missed! Ah well, that will be an excursion for the next visit!

While in Clarksville, I also attempted to find fabrics to coordinate with my focus fabric for the June Quiltaway in Pennsylvania. No luck. The Hancocks in Clarksville was really low on cotton fabrics. In fact it was downright depressing! Since the quilt store in Clarksville was closed today, I had no other options!!

Lisa and I headed over to Books-a-million for some light reading and coffee.

Then we headed back to Lisa's house so that I could pack up the trash she had been saving for me---all that Terracycle stuff! and I headed home.

All in all, a fun day with a dear friend!

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