I spent my Saturday at school, attempting to get organized for at least the first week back!
Over my break, I planned my lessons and graded papers. Those were the usual weekend homework activities!
I also did these activities:
Put grades into the computerized gradebook so that report cards can be printed.
Tallied up the discipline and homework slips for each student in my homeroom (that information is put on the reportcards every marking period)
Checked the class computers to make sure they would play the internet Math games I have planned for the class to use in Stations.
Created vocabulary quizzes using the Math state vocabulary list for this year.
Made Answer Keys for these vocabulary quizzes (that also allows me to check for accuracy and helps me to remember what the words mean!)
Copied the vocabulary quizzes and activities.
Copied Math Activity sheets using Graphs for our lessons this week.
Typed up instruction sheets for the stations we will start using in Math class.
Created, copied and laminated the charts, graphs, forms and accessories for the stations.
Created and laminated the poster the class will use to know which station their group is assigned to.
Sorted all of the station instructions and accessories into binders according to the specific station.
Went shopping and purchased a variety of school supplies and a few Math manipulatives, using the gift cards my students gave me for Christmas and the Lighthouse Keeper allotment.
Dragged all of those purchases to my classroom and put them to good use or found places to keep them!
Rearranged the desks and tables in my classroom.
Cleaned the boards!
Threw away the nasty dry erasers that make more of a mess than anything!
Unwrapped my NEW, LARGER dry eraser that will make my life easier!
I also thought about my resolutions today...I purchased a new battery for my pedometer so that I can begin wearing it and tracking my steps.
I played around in my studio, sorting through projects and deciding what I will work on first.
I also have a box of items ready to send to the Thrift Store!
And I am glad to say I have not had any CARBONATED BEVERAGES since December 26th! It is easier than I thought, but I am suffering through a caffeine headache today.....I need to find another source of caffeine!
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