Sunday, December 27, 2009

My New Year's Resolutions. 10 in 10.

1. Cease drinking soda. Not only will this eliminate one more plastic item from my life, but it will improve my health!

2. Do not purchase new clothes for one year. I really have enough clothing to survive work and play without any new purchases.

3. Save the savings. Every penny saved when shopping for groceries will be physically put aside.

4. Reduce my personal belongings. I own way too many items! My goal this year will be to reduce the excess by at least one item a week! Of course, I will also remove one item for each item that I bring into the house.

5. Read at least 3 books to improve my teaching skills.
I am currently reading "Differentiating Math Instruction", so I am off to a good start on this one!

6. Keep my tax records more organized for 2010. I do manage to keep the majority of my receipts in one place in preparation for my income tax returns, but there are always a few items that slip through the cracks. I will keep better records for 2010.

7. Walk 10,000 steps each day. This is probably the easiest one on this list as I walk A LOT during the week. I have found in the past that keeping track of my steps with a pedometer motivates me to exercise more. So, I have dusted off the pedometer and will keep track of my steps.

8. Reduce my fabric stash. This is one that I often start and then it gets away from me. I never want to see fabric go to waste, thus I save every scrap and accept every box of fabric someone else wants to give me. (That is how I ended up with 5 boxes of fabric scraps last summer!) So, this year, I will NOT purchase any fabric that is not for a specific project. All of my projects MUST have some fabric from my stash incorporated into them. I will also make charity quilts from my stash to speed the reduction in my excess fabrics.

9. Make time for ME! This is a full category, as it can include any activity that is geared toward 'me time'. I initially wanted to say something about spending time quilting, or watching the movies I have stacked up to watch, or reading the books I have piled on the bookshelf. Then I realized that I could lump all of these activities into one category and call it 'me time'. I know that I am re-energized when I have a sense of accomplishment and that includes accomplishing an activity for myself.

10. Blog about these resolutions every month. Then I will be accountable and I will be able to see what I have managed to accomplish!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Boy are you brave to be accountable for the resolutions you made! That is a huge accomplishment in itself! If you get a minute, go to They are an online quiltshop in Collierville! She said you can call her and she is happy to let shoppers come into the place to shop, even though they are not technically open to the public. Her name is Arlene Blackburn, I spoke with her and she is very very nice! I am always happy to find a new source and wanted to share with you! Happy Quilting and Happy New Year!

Margaret T. Zenk said...

Thanks for sharing your resolutions. I, too, want to reduce what enters the house and increase what goes out. I had said I wouldn't bring any more fabric home, but the Joann Fabric store is next to the grocery store. What's a girl to do? Not buying anything for quilts, just to make skirts or other special occasion accessories. That should help.
Your blog is a real inspiration. Thanks again.

Katie @ said...

AWESOME LIST! Wow. Tough stuff... but so worth it. I wonder if you would make your own clothes with your fabric. Yes? No?
Great luck to you. Your blog is really charming, and I love what I've seen so far.

CC said...

Thanks for your comments Katie. As for the clothing issue, I recently took a class on making my own clothing (as I seem to have lost the knack in recent years) and hope to stitch up a few items this summer using fabric I already own!