Spent the morning in my studio, cutting batting and basting quilts. I also finished stitching the baby bibs and turned them right side out.
Additionally, I stitched the 3 small ribbon blankets that will be in my Etsy Store!
I picked up lunch for mom and I and spent the afternoon with Mom, playing Scrabble and celebrating Lauren's departure. Lauren is a student who is receiving her degree and did a practicum at Southern Oaks. She is finished now and will be getting married next weekend. So the folks threw her a small party! We had cake and punch and sang songs. It was fun.
After leaving Southern Oaks, I traveled to Jackson to pick up markers for a project we are doing in school after TCAPs. I had some recycling credit at Office Depot, so I went there to buy my new markers.
Upon arrival home, I got to work on the garden. Yesterday it was tilled and composted and organized into nice rows. Today I put in markers to remember where plants are to reside in the future and I put some of the seedlings in. Each yellow marker is made from cut up foam trays.
That was enough gardening fun for me, so I watered them, and watered the seedlings still in the greenhouse and called it a day.
Tomorrow I will get the soaker hoses in place and plant marigold seeds.
Now for a nice cool shower!
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