When you say "Happy New Year", do you really mean it? Are you truly wishing happiness on another person? Is the wish for one day, one week, one month or the entire year?
After all, what does it mean to be happy?
My niece, Kirsten, is the inspiration for this post. She had a wonderful 2014. Her life changed in many positive ways. I know that there were upsetting aspects to her year, but she chose to look at the positive events. She chose to look at the events that brought her joy. So, for her, 2014 WAS a wonderful year.
When you reflect back over the events in your life during 2014, do you see everything? Do you see the joyous events as well as the sad events? Do you see the moments of frustration as well as the moments of celebration and accomplishment?
I thought about these questions with respect to myself. I had many rough spots in 2014, times when I did not know if I could make it through another day without falling to pieces. Yet, I persevered and overcame those dark days.
In 2014, we adopted two fabulous dogs. Bella is a part golden retriever, part something else, and she is wonderful to have as part of our family. Since she was a stray prior to her adoption, she had some issues. She is slowly overcoming her fears and warming up to the joys of belonging to a family. Reagan also joined us this year, she is a full golden and again was mistreated prior to her adoption, but again she is doing very well and is realizing that having two sisters is a fabulous way to live!
Bella and Kashmir |
Reagan |
Also in 2014, Vince and I traveled around the world. We had the opportunity to see countries I never thought we would see. We saw Hawaii, Fiji, Australia, Thailand, Italy, Germany, Lichtenstein, France, Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, and perhaps a few I have left out! We traveled by plane, car, boat, train, and horse drawn carriage! It was a fabulous vacation and we make terrific memories. Eventually, I will make the quilt I have planned using all the fabrics I purchased on our adventure.

In 2014, I spent time with my friends and family, I enjoyed many meals with them and many games of Scrabble with Vince. We terminated our Television service and have enjoyed more time for ourselves (and some extra money too). We conducted our annual house purge and found space we did not know we had. I finished 8 quilts, went on two Quilt retreats with my Guild and also finished 4 quilt tops. I returned to school to earn my Doctorate in Education. In the school where I work, we were awarded a grant for our recycling efforts, which will go to help improve education about recycling. Additionally, we earned enough money through our recycling to purchase 6 bubble soccer balls!
I know this is a little late for a New Year's greeting. I am taking some time to wrap up loose ends today.
My prayer for everyone is that 2015 brings you much happiness.